Ground Rent Sales Help And Advice

If you are looking for ground rent sales you need look no further. We have been selling ground rents for many years and currently have in excess of 5,000 units that we manage. We are always looking for opportunities to increase the size of this portfolio and have funds in place to meet this aim in the current financial year.

If you have a property to sell please get in touch with us. We can talk you through the ground rent sales process and answer any questions that you may have. As long as you are in a position sell your ground rents to us we can complete the sale with you immediately. If you have already served section 5 notices and the lessees have not exercised their rights to buy then we can proceed. To discuss a proposal with us please get in touch with us.

Ground Rent Sales Management And Insurance

We buy ground rents with or without management and insurance in favour of the landlord. We have a large management department that deals with our block management. We also outsource much of our management to other companies particularly if blocks are outside of London.

Ground Rents for sale can help you sell your ground rents today. We always need ground rents to sell and can have your property portfolio uploaded to this site within 24 hours.

All of our ground rent buyers have cash funds available for quick completions if you are in a position to sell immediately.

Ground Rent Sales